Pepper Chicken Curry – How to make Pepper Chicken Curry? – Spicy Pepper Chicken Curry recipe – Madras Style Spicy Pepper Chicken Curry – a simple homestyle spicy chicken curry made with freshly ground pepper and spices. This is one among the best dishes my amma (mom) makes, its kin dof a sunday ritual at home to make this gravy style with mild Ghee rice or peas pulao… finger licking good. She uses more green chilies, less chilli powder sometimes no chili powder at all but loads of coriander and black pepper is used to make this chicken curry. Now, this has been my routine and make it alteast once a week
Let me walk you through this simple chicken curry which will rock your kitchen too…
Pepper Chicken Curry
Ingredients - for curry
- 1 kg Chicken whole cut
- 1& 1/2 cups Onion finely chopped, preferably shallots
- 2 each Green Chili
- 1/2 cup Tomatoes Chopped
- 2 tablespoons Ginger Garlic Crushed
- 1/2 teaspoon Turmreric powder
- 1/2 teaspoon Red Chili powder
- 2 tablespoons Corianderpowder
- 1 tablespoon Black pepper powder freshly ground
- 1&1/2 teaspoon Salt kosher, crystal salt, kallu uppu
- 1/4 cup Water
- 5 each Curry leaves for garnish
- 1/4 cup Coriander leaves for garnish
Ingredients - whole garam masala to temper
- 2 each Bay leaf
- 4 each Cloves
- 2 sticks Cinnamon
- 2 each Cardamom
- 1 teaspoon Cumin seeds
- 1 teaspoon Fennel seeds
- 5 each Curry leaves
- 4 tablespoons Oil
- Wash chicken and cut into bite size pieces.
- Grab a handful of black peppercorns and ground them coarsely using a coffee grinder or handy stone mortar.
- Heat oil in a deep sauce pan and toast bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, cardamon, cumin seeds, fennel seeds & some curry leaves.
- Saute onions and green chilli until golden. Add in crushed ginger and garlic along and saute fro few minutes.
- Add the chicken pieces and brown them along with the ginger garlic & a generous pinch of salt.
- Once the chicken cooks half way through add in turmeric powder, red chili powder, coriander powder, freshly ground black pepper powder and the remaining salt. Fry until the whole mixture turns dark brown and dry.
- Now add chopped tomatoes and water, saute this for 4 to 5 minutes till the tomatoes turn mushy and the oil separates.
- Cover and cook the gravy over low flame for 15 minutes till the chicken turns tender and switch off
- Garnish with fresh curry and coriander leaves.
- Serve with hot ghee rice , pulao or chapati.
Wash and cut Chicken into pieces and keep aside. Grab a handful of black peppercorns and ground them coarsely using a coffee grinder or handy stone mortar.
Heat oil in a deep sauce pan and toast cinnamon, cloves, cardamon, cumin seeds, fennel seeds & curry leaves.
Saute onions and green chilli until golden. Add a pinch of salt for the onions to sweat and fry them well….almost browning.
Followed by the crushed ginger garlic. Crushed GG is what i like int he place of paste…. crushed ginger garlic gives immense taste and texture to the dish. Saute a bit.
Add the chicken pieces with little salt and saute to brown the outer a lit bit.
At this stage, add turmeric powder, coriander/dhania, freshly ground black pepper powder and the remaining salt. Saute well… raw coriander seeds powder can be very strong and has to be fried well… otherwise you gravy will have that raw seeds smell. fry well probably for 10 minutes.
Fry until the whole mixture turns dark brown and dry. You will see the difference right way… after adding the black pepper powder and other spice powders… the color of the mixture will turn dark brown.
Now add chopped tomatoes and water at this stage… cook till the tomatoes turn light mush , you will also see the oil oozing out while sauteing. Try our KARUVEPPILAI CHICKEN
This is how it looks…. Try our MADRAS CHICKEN CURRY
Now bring the flame to low, cover with a lid and cook for 10 to 15 minutes for the chicken to cook through fully.
Once done, the mixture will look semi-gravy consistency. Switch off, adjust salt if needed.
Garnish with fresh curry and coriander leaves. Try our KAJU MURGH

Serve with hot ghee rice , pulao or even roti.
- Use only fresh ground pepper for this recipe.
- Whole cut chicken gives good taste than boneless.
- Using chinna vengayam or shallots/ pearl onions makes it extra tasty.
- Adding water is optional, if you want to keep it as a dry varuval type dish, then skip water.
Thankyou for the recipe maám, it was truly super good when i tried it at home! i only made one variation, the whole spices i roasted and ground it into a powder and added it, rest all were same.
Thanks Vishal, appreciate your feedback!
Hi, Is the above recipe for 1/2 kg or 1 kg chicken? Kindly clarify. Planning to try it.
Hello Aishu,
It’s 1 kg chicken ..a little less is ok too. Hope this helps
This was really lovely. Will make this recipe often.
Good to hear Josephine, feeling happy today! Thanks again for trying my recipes!
What changes should be made for 1kg chicken?i like it spicy too..pls help!
Hello Thomas,
As such you can double the recipe, if you prefer less gravy then follow the same recipe with 1 kg chicken with 2 additional green chili + 2 teaspoon coriander powder + 1 teaspoon black pepper powder. If you can handle spicy, include about 1/2 teaspoon plain red chili powder. Adding 1 more onion will get you more masala on the side. Hope this helps. Thanks!
Yummy…Yummy…Yummy…… It was really delicious.. Thanks for all the wonderful and easy to make recipes…
I jus made it!…turned out awesome, wow!!..Thanks Mullai..![]()
Excellent Mullai!! Superb taste!!
Hi Mullai,
I tried this recipe and turned out little sweet. I used yellow onions (not the sweet ones) for cooking. Can you please tell me the reason ? I would really appreciate if I get an answer.
Thanks a lot for the wonderful recipes
May be you used too much tomato or chicken, thats my guess. The spice level mentioned ( 2 green chilies and 2 tsp pepper powder along with chili powder) should be perfect for 1/2 kg chicken. Adjust accordingly and you should be good. Apart from that I don't see anything which could possible go wrong.
Thanks a lot for your reply Mullai
I used to refer your recipes daily.
Hi Mullai,
I tried this recipe today, Wow It came out so well. My husband and son love it very much.
Hi Mullai, I stumbled into your site looking for idli recipe. I have to say your site is like a treasure box . All the recipes are so authentic and traditional. Kudos to you on sharing and maintaining such a great website. I have tried the Pepper chicken recipe yesterday and it was delicious. My husband and kids loved it. They were saying it's heavenly
I don't use fennel seeds that often , I think that really gave a new taste to the curry. I'll keep trying more of your recipes. The photo links for some of the ingredients really helps. Thanks a lot! Priya
I apologize for the langauage and the content in my comments.
Your recipes have always simple and superb.great works
Hi Mullai Akka,
You are simply grt…JUst made this recipe and i started to lick cant wait for my hubby. Its so simple to make ,yet delicious.
Can u post me the recipe for panang curry(veg. version).
Had once in a Thai restaurant and i want to make at hme wth our indian spices.
Thanks in advance
Hi i have tried many dishes from this site. but this pepper chicken cameout very well.pepper chicken became my husbands most favourite dish. Thankyou very much.
Excellent Mullai!! Superb taste!! This is my first chicken dish…I am so happy…
very nice receipe, i will try tomorrow for my hubby’s birthday with peas pulav.
Dear Mullai, I am a great fan of ur site… But for the first time i prepared chicken for a party we had yesterday … Trust me it came out very delicious… and everyone praised me for such a mouth watering & delious dish , as i am new cook … ur recipe gave me a confidence that i can be an excellent cook wenever i make ur recipes … Thanks a lot once again….
.. I know all their aplauses belongs to U…
I had to try this the second time with same ingredients, came out so yummy , same color, sure to be of same taste.
Jaya Lakshmi
Hi Mullai,
I joined here today and see lots of mouth watering recipes.I liked this recipe and thinking of trying this.But I have one doubt about cumin is it a dark black cumin(karunjeera) or regular cumin.Please let me know. Thanks for your recipe
Its regular brown cumin seeds. Karunjeera is called shah jeera.
Thanks very much for your prompt reply.
Hi Mullai,
This is my first comment and also my first non veg dish from your site. It came out really well! Thanks for the recipe.
hi its me again…
i just wanted you to post a recepee on LEMON CHICKEN FRY….
thank u
hi there
i’m so happy to log on to ur site…..
seeing the revieews given by ur fans i badly wanted to try out this dish… that’s pepper chkn…. let me tell u… it’s dam good.. yummy… no words to explain it. well i’m too young to cook but i had loads of compliments come my way….
thanks a lot dear….
hey its really good i did 2 but my hubs says not spicy enough can i add 2tbsp of pepper pwd.
This is my second time trying this dish and it’s my kids favorite dish. We just love it. Today I added some cubed potatoes also to that. Looks so yummy for steamed Rice
Lakshmi, seems like a new combo potato with pepper chicken curry. Anyhow glad you all enjoyed. Thanks.
Dear Mrs.Mullai
I tried this recipe for the first time today and it turned out to be awesome! Thanks a lot for all the efforts to share your recpies. Wish you all the very best!
i tried ths n chickn frid rice.the combination was very gud.we enjyd like anythng.
i’ve becom a gud fan of u,startd tryng many recipes of urs evryday.
i wonder myself,is it me who cooks such a delicios fud.all credits to u mullai.thanx a lot
hi i tried this ,it came some new recipes , i am trying all ur recipes mullai,reallly they r of gud taste.thank u.
Hi Mullai,
I prepared this pepper chicken curry hmmmmmmmm really very tasty.
Hi Mullai
Im a great fan of your amazing recipes.You are doing a good job and we get to learn some of them.
In this recipe when i made the second time,became little sweet.Im not sure what went wrong.
Can you help.
Dear Maha,
This is supposed to be very spicy, and there is no way for it to become sweet. Tomatoes onion ratio is also less which won't make it sweet. Try using fresh ground black pepper, store bought powders are very mild and may not suit for this recipe. Apart from that I don't see anything at all to go wrong. Better luck next time.
may be bcoz u might have used more cardomom and cinnomon. i also had same problem , so i guess its bcoz of that only..
I have been referring youe site regularly and it is in my
favorites list…
Your receipes are simply ‘SUPERB’…
Keep up the good work…
Happy Cooking
Thanks!!! Jothi.
Just curious to know whether you have done any course on cooking ?
basically how do you cook so well ?
from your mom ?? which part of india are u from ?
I am just a home cook, didn't go for any cooking class. I try all the family recipes passed on to me, learned some from my friends and relatives. Whenever I happened to taste something new, never hesitated to ask for the recipe, at least would get an general outline and work on it. Of course it takes quite a lot of attempts before the recipes make there way here. Still in the process of learning….
Oh ..Good…I asked that because I saw some pattern in your receipes…so thought u did ur degree in that line …
anyway , thanks for the info…
i tried this… first time itself it came out very well… thanks…
Hey this was simply amazing !!!! My bro in law kept taking again and again !!!
I tried this yesterday and it tasted great.
Looks Delicious, I am going to try this tomorrow.
how nice i have to try this in my home it is looking very very nice
i am balaji from chennai
Thanks Balaji, try and let me know how it turned out.