Hi there,
Welcome to spiceindiaonline.com your ultimate source for Indian recipes online.
I am Mullai, who is cooking and curating content for this portal. I believe that it is the aromatic spices that give a unique flavor and distinguishes the rich, diverse, and countless varieties of Indian dishes that come from different regions.
I welcome you to try out my recipes that were gifted to me by my grandmother, mother, mother-in-law, and my friends. Occasionally, I curate recipes from cookbooks, magazines, and websites. A majority of recipes you find here are born out of my own culinary experiments – I am greatly encouraged to publish the outcomes of my experiments, when they have the endorsements of my own celebrities: husband, Madavan(GT), fourteen-year old son, Siddharth(Sid), and family members. I am also very thankful to my family and friends for their kind co-operation and encouragement.
My style is confined mostly to simple home cooking methods. I have no formal training in cooking. I develop my cooking skills by continuously trying out different recipes, especially that of South Indian States: Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, and Andhra Pradesh. I do venture baking and other International recipes once in while.
Besides cooking, I do have other interest and that includes listening to Ilayaraja songs, exploring my Nikon, watching TV soap opera, enjoy eating out especially Thai food and love collecting traditional Indian kitchenware. These are the few of my favorite things!
I have been updating, organizing, and sharing information of Indian recipes in the site, since it was launched in 2006. On average, I update at least 10 new recipes a month (the number doubles when Siddharth lets me have more “lab hours”). I get about 1000 unique visitors every month (so says, Google Analytics). But I think I am not in a business – rather I am in the business of widening my network of friends who love Indian foods.
Half the credit to keeping SpiceIndiaOnline alive should go to my better half. Madavan takes care of all the technical stuff. I will have to cook, taste, and rave about it in writing (and of course, taking what is worth a 1000 words, using a Nikon DSLR camera). What a nice division of labour!
To become a good cook, all you need are good ingredients, time, and patience. If you are new to cooking Indian food, I encourage you to start easy and as your confidence builds, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish. Any help, let me know. For questions and comments submit a feedback here.
You can keep in touch with me through Facebook and follow us on Google plus & Instagram!
Culinarily yours,
Mrs Mullai Madavan
Publisher and Editor
Keep visiting SpiceIndiaOnline!
Awesome website with mouth-watering indian recipes, suitable for Veg/Non-Vegetarians. Many thanks, Mullai, for sharing all these great recipes in step-by-step procedure, pictures and ingredients all in a well-organized website.
Many many thanks to you for your feedback, very happy to hear

Happy Cooking!
Muy buena web para buscar indicaciones para preparar recetas de la gastronomía hindú. Felicitaciones!
Sabores del mundo
Very good website to find directions to prepare recipes for Indian cuisine. Congratulations!
Flavors of the world
Thank you so much!
Truely appreciate your efforts. Please keep posting more wonderful recipes…
Thank you

Hai Mullai, we have started our new blog, please check and provide your feedback.
Hi there:
i just stumbled upon your site and have already tried the veg fried rice and the mutton chukka. I love the tastes and am enjoying the variety of dishes you have included. I intend to try all one by one. Thanks for the tips to improve and suggestions to ease into the recipe. It is helpful indeed. Looking forward to more from you.
Thanks Sujata, really happy to hear, I will try my best to keep it interesting!
Hi Ma’am,
I love your website and your yummy recipes are so easy to follow and make… Would appreciate if you could add my email id for any future updates.
Thanking you in advance,
Monica Joseph
Thank you Monica, you will be under our family!
Dear Ma’am,
I have not received any post from you till date… Please do so..
Thank you…
Hi do u develop recepies for new products in the market like mock meats. Could u pls contact me personally at my emailid
அற்புதமான தகவல்கள். ஒவ்வொரு நாளும் ஆயிரகணக்கானவர் காணக்கூடிய விக்கிப்பீடியாவில் அல்லது விக்கிப்பொதுவகத்தில் இவற்றை இணைக்க தமிழ் சொற்கள் தமிழில் இல்லை என்பதே குறையாக உள்ளது. மீன்களின் பெயர்களை தமிழில் எழுதுங்கள். ஏக்கத்துடன் .. வணக்கம்.
I tried you peas pulao recipe it’s good
Can you post hyderabadi dum biryani
It’s very famous in andhra
Hi Mullai,
This website is really amazing, your recepies are amazing!!!
Thank you Francin!
I saw your website today only n I tried biriyani gravy its came awesome.thank you. Please send some biriyani n chapathi sidedish recipe
Thank you sir for visiting my page and trying out recipes, really appreciate. There are bunch of other side dish recipes under veg and non veg category do check our recipe index for a complete list. Thanks again for your support!
Have just seen this site. It is so amzing look, great pictures.. shall go thru your recpies soon and get back in detail
Thank you sir, do get back with feedback when you try my recipes.
I have nominated you for the liebster blog award. Hope you take it
Hi Mullai,
Came to know you via TMF. Great blog you have and lovely name. Even though I am from Madurai area, Mullai is my favorite flower. I will hopping on here.
Hi Mullia,
Came to know about your blog via my friend Vidya…. Glad to find your blog
Heard from her that you are blogging from a very long time. Keep inspiring us…
Very nice blog with awesome collection of recipes.. Glad I find ur blog
Like your receipes, you look beautiful……
Thanks Jyothi! I’m blushing here…
// @ Jothi; I failed to get a glimpse (picture) of Mullai and you are lucky to have one. Grt. //
Hi Mullai,
I was looking at the chettinad chicken you have on your blog and I knew I have tried it before and then saw the tag ‘Mullai’s at the bottom and it reminded me. Small world, eh! That I come across the same recipe shared by the same person once again after 6 or 7 yrs…. You have a great blog!
Enjoy your passion!
Thanks Kay, Good to hear from you after a long time. Nothing makes my day like feedback! well, so keep visiting and feel free to comment away!!
Awesome recipe..really liked it!!!!
Hi Mullai,
It would be better if you could list the dishes under your name , so that we can pick it up easily..
I was looking for all Tamil nadu rceipes and finally found it. we used to take few receipe from the site and all are good. Thanks for your wonderfull work.
Hello Mulai,
Your recipes are extremely good. I am from Toronto, Canada, just like you, I have love & passion for cooking & keep trying different & varieties of food. I have recipes that is very unique & could post it to you some time soon. Keep posting more recipes…
Hi Mullai,
It was my friend who introduced me to this site. Now… I am in love with your site. Atleast alternate days i try one of your recipes and it turns out very well. Thank you for your easy methods. I am very new to non veg cooking. I tried your method of chicken biriyani for the first time and it was a great success
Thank you.
Thankyou dear!!
Hello Mullai,
Thank you for your wonderful contributions. Your recipes are awesome.
I tried microwave Pallakova and impressed with your method. I told couple of my buddies and they did for their wife and kids and enjoyed it. Keep this blog running and thank you once again
Hi Cloud, thanks a bunch for your feedback.
Dear Mullai Madavan
I have been using yeast for dosa and Idly batters.
Yeast one can buy in one and two pound packages. sold in Costco and Cash and carry. Last for long time and cheap. I use small jar and fill time to time.jar and a package be refrigerated.
Batter placed on the big plate/ Thai and on the counter.summer it over flows. Batter prepared in the morning ready in 5-6 hours . Can be kept close to the cooking area. It is good for couple of days. some time I use leftover batter and add new (small portion )batter. It works like sour dough
Thanks for tapioca dosa recipe. Tapioca is suppose to be gluten free . I add very little to whole dark wheat to make pita bread. I use no oven, griddle and then on the open heat placed above the metal mesh. pops and come out good,but it is whole dark wheat.
Vashon Island WA
Dear Sivam,
Thanks for your tips and input.
Hi Mullai,
You have a wonderful website here, I especially like the sweet subcategory, which I frequent. Keep up the good work and Happy New Year to you and your family!
I am new to cooking. I came across your website. wow! really helping a lot and no words are there to explain. Slowly I am gonna try to recipes. Now I became a regular visitor to your website to check for new recipies…
One of the best cooking site!!
There are no words to praise you.
Dependable and reliable and simple recipes.
hello mam…ur blog is really amazing..thanks a lot…may God bless u
Hi Mullai, your recipes are awesome! After 20 years of married life, my husband enjoy my cooking now more than ever! I am glad that I found your site…You must be really a good cook!
Hi Mullai
all your recipes are awesome and easy to prepare. I am looking for a salt free or low salt recipes. can you please upload here if u tried anything
hello mam
am really glad to found ur blog. i am graduate n right nw am experimenting dishes :)so my knowledge regarding foods is basically from blgos:) n i swear ur blog s kind of gift .. so so nice of chettinad dishes . bt i think u should give enhancement for north indian cuisine 
Hello Mullai! Good to see you back!! I had been a regular browser at your site a year ago and then i think your site went into a maintenance mode. Not just your site, me too, without your recipes! Am happy to see you back with a more colourful site! Good luck and all the best to you!