Hello everyone and welcome to our new improved website!! As you can see we made some changes to the site and we hope you like them. One of the biggest change we made is move to a new server and software. Past couple of months we were working on migrating our database to this new layout. Well.. your favorite spiceindiaonline did take a long vacation which it really needed for a valid reason.
A fresh look and a fresh start

I wish we all could go a couple of years back. Missed everyone and everything in SIO.
Loads of love from Busy Bee
Hi Mullai,
Welcome back!!
nice to u again with new website..
Dear Mullai, Missed you sooooo much. Was wondering what happened to all the good work you are doing! Now feels like I m back home.
Warm regards
Hi Mullai – Is there a alphabetical recipe index? Also I noticed that the search in the new website is not as good as the old one. Say, when I type Idli, Your idli recipe comes up way back in the list..Not complaining…Just letting you know what I observed….Thanks, Suja
Hi Mullai,
I don’t have words to express my Happiness when I see spiceindiaonline is up and running. Almost everyday I checked the site. Thanks for your wonderful help/job which brings us the eagerness to cook and try something new with 100% confident.
Hi Mullai,
I am very glad that SIO is back. All the very best!
Welcome back Mullai, Missed your recipes. Very mellow and beautiful website design ! Congrats!
Glad to see the site back online. Looks great too. Thanks for all your hardwork!
Hey Mullai, happy to see spiceindiaonline back. Was eagerly waiting for it. The new layout is good.
Missed ur website…was trying for a long time.Happy its back…Happy new year to u and ur family mullai
thanks for ur effort.It helps many ppl
Hi Mullai,
I logged for abt 2 -3 hrs and was going thru all the recipes,,, very nostalgic…..made kothamalli thokku came out really very well..:)
love to see you back! thank you for all your efforts. your site is great!
Happy New Year madam mullai
Wow…That is exciting…Happy New year…Happy to have the site back..
Hi Mullai
Welcome back! I really missed ur site, happy to see it back. Happy new year and best wishes,
Welcome back Mullai & a Happy New Year to you!.
Glad to see SpiceIndia site back again!!
Nice to see Spiceindiaonline back again.Thanks Mullai.
Hi,Glad to see you back with the new layout and love the contents which is nicely presented.All tne Best.
Hi Mullai,
Very happy to see Spiceindiaonline again, It was like some support missing without your site.Thankyou and Welcome again
hi mullai…welcome back…was waiting eagerly for the new version, its very nice..
keep it up
Glad that Website is back. New version is looking great!!!
Missed you a lot
Thank you for coming back.. I have been waiting for this a long time..welcome back Mullai.
Yes, my favorite website is back. Thanks.
yappa saamy thanks for coming back …..its hard to survive without this site….when ever my wife cooks something from this website i will say you are the best….but i know the credit should go to Mullai….hope my wife wont read this blog…past 2 ,3 months hmm solla mudiyalaa….
good to see u back!! missed few of yr recipes
Happy to see the site back! n love the new layout too!
Hi Mullai,
Happy New Year!Liked the new look of the site.
Welcome back!
Great to see you back, Happy new Year
hi mullai mam… At last u r back.. gr8….Thanks again…
so relieved to see u back agn.. my life line…. i keep refering for recipes and without it was like my life had come to a standstil….:D
Hi Mullai, its good to see you back with a new look….. Missed your site
U saved my life
Hi Mullai,Glad that the website is back.The new outlook is fantastic!!! Awaiting to see lot of new recipes from you
Hai Mullai,
Really I missed your Website a LOT & LOT…Very Happy to see you again…Thanks a LOT
Welcome Back Mullai.. waiting for the site to be up and running.. Wish you and your family a very Happy New Year
Waiting for this website for a very long timeee…… thanks for coming back. Happy new year
Welcome back Mullai!wish you a very happy new year.
Hi Mullai,
Happy New Year.
I am eagerly waiting for this site. thanks to recoming.
A very happy new year 2011!!!
very happy to c spice india again, i was waiting eagerly when problem wll be fixed. nice to come again after a looooong gap.
Hi Mullia Mam,
I missed u r website a lot.Anyway Happy to c u website.
hi mullai, Very happy to see SIO again. Missed this site a lot. daily i used to check whether it is back. Yet to see the new features. Hope every body will enjoy your new look. Eagerly waiting for your new receipes.
Dear Mullai,
Welcome! Wish You a Very Happy New Year! Welcome back with fresh look in the new year! Congrats ur improved site looks great! Kudos!
Good to c u back once Again……………….
I missed a lot especially during festive seasons from getting new ideas of recepie’s…Very tired of opening n saw UNDER CONSTRUCTION past 2 months..Thanks a lot now..
really iam very happy now.So many times, i was trying to open the site but i couln’t.But,this fine day its happend.Thank you so much.
wish you a very happy new yeaar.
Missed the site so much! gr8 to c the website back! thanku n all the very best!!
Dear Mullai,
You were sorely missed! I had almost given up all hopes of ever getting hold of your recipes again, and was regretting not saving/ printing our favourites (so many!) when I could. Like many who have commented above me in this thread, I kept visiting with hopes of seeing the site up and running again. Nice to have you back!
Now, off to cook some old favourites and read up some new ones. Thanks for your efforts and all those wonderful recipes! Site looks great, by the way.
Missed this site. Thank you so much.
hi mullai…
each and everyday i was trying to open this site..but i couldnt..now im very surprised that i realy opened my favourote website..
thx once again..
all the best..
hope to see ur best dishes soon..
Pudhu Polivudan vandhirukkum SIO engal vazhuthukkal…..Mullaimam Happy New Year. thanks for the New site….missed ur recipes…
hi Mullai, unga website up & running aa illathathu kai vodanja matheri errunthutu. good to see u back. I am a big fan of urs. Wish u a wonderful new yr and a fresh start for ur website.
Welcome Back Mullai ! New look is fabulous….I’m eagerly waiting for your recipe post dear. I missed you a lot….Hope u r doing great.
Im trying to open the curries&gravies ,pulses and beans but its not opening.
Problem Fixed. Please try again.
Hi mullai,
very happy to see the site again after a very long time.
Happy to see SpiceIndiaonline after a long hiatus in a whole new avtaar not only with exotic dishes as ever but also with a new, revived look..Kudos Mullai, gosh we missed your site so much!!!!!
hi mullai, am a very big fan of SIO website n i hv recommended to many ppl…the fact is we all really missed the website n i finally gave somedays back that its not gonna work any more…just as a fluke i gave it a try today, hurrraaayyyy …so eager to see ur recipes again with mouthwatering pics. ALL THE BEST FOR THE NEW START..
Hi Mullai..Nice to c u back with a bang..Site looks too good..Very well designed ..:) Congrats
thanks a ton Mullai… “thai pirandhu engalukku vazhi pirandhadu”
Thanks for the newly designed site. We were eagerly waiting for its return. Beena