Tea Kadai Butter Biscuit Recipe – Tea Shop Butter Biscuits Recipe – How to make Tea Kadai Butter Biscuits – Eggless Butter Biscuits – Eggless Cookies – Butter Cookies Recipe – How to make eggles Butter Cookies – டீ கடை பட்டர் பிஸ்கட் – Petty Shop Butter Biscuits – Nei biscuits – Potti Kada Butter Biscuit – Tea Kadai Recipes – Nostalgic Indian Food – Easy Butter Cookies – Kids Recipes – #teakadaibutterbiscuit #teakadai #pottikadai #pettikadai
Translation from English to Tamil Tea Shop Butter Biscuit — டீ கடை பட்டர் பிஸ்கட்
Tea Kadai Butter Biscuits, Bun Butter Jam, Rusk, Kamarcut are difficult to find at an eatery these days. We hardly find petty tea shops… potti kadai as we call it in Tamil, which actually sells these goodies, guess they all got replaced by hype coffee shops and cafes. Single tea with butter biscuit is all we use to have for after school snack. OMG! I used to eat these all the time, use to be my favorite after school snack. I’m so drenched in nostalgic memories of my school days. These are melt in your mouth butter biscuits taste just like the biscuits sold in petty tea shops.
Some more favorites of mine….
Nan Khatai
Sponge Cake
Tuticorin Cashew Macaroon
Black Forest cake
Eggless Cake
Tea Shop Butter Biscuit - டீ கடை பட்டர் பிஸ்கட்
- 1 cup Maida/ All-purpose flour Bleached
- 1/4 cup Powdered Sugar Just powdered granulated sugar
- 1 pinch Salt about 1/8 tsp
- 1 stick Unsalted Butter room temperature 1 stick = 1/2 cup)
- Assemble all the 4 ingredients.
- Sieve flour and salt in a bowl. Powder the granulated sugar and bring the butter to room temperature.
- Whisk butter and powdered sugar in bowl to make a smooth creamy paste.
- Now add the flour mixture to the butter and make a soft stiff dough.
- Stretch as shown below and cover it up in plastic wrap.
- Refrigerate this dough for about an hour.
- After an hour, remove the plastic wrap and cut them into desired shapes. I cut mine in about 1/4 inch thickness. You may also roll out the dough and cut into different shapes using fancy cookie cutters. Meanwhile pre-heat the oven to 350 F and keep it ready.
- Line them up in a baking sheet.
- Using a fork just poke the center of the cookie dough.
- Place the baking sheet in the middle rack of the pre-heated oven.
- It might take about 15 - 18 minutes to bake these biscuits as it varies with the type of baking pans used. Once the oven is pre -heated bake the biscuits at 350F temperature for 10-12 mins or until the edges start turning golden brown. You have a keep an eye for the last few minutes because they tend to brown fast. Once the edges turn golden switch off and remove the pan from oven and let cool. They might still look soft but will turn crispy after complete cool down.
- Enjoy with your cup of tea!
- Store them in air-tight jar for upto a week.
These are the best, super yummy and fail proof butter cookies ever ! So simple, amazing taste and always a super hit.. I make these butter cookies every year for my kid’s birthday party for the guests and kids ! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful recipe with us akka !

Also, this is the first recipe I tried from your site and from then on I am your die- hard fan..
Hi Mullai,
The biscuits were super yummy, my kid loved it so much. She wants it to be made every day
Now status is every week once I am making the coconut biscuits, these butter biscuits and pizza!
Love your recipes. Thanks a ton!
Hi tried this Easy peasey Butter biscuit and it was a hit! Taste was out of the world. My kids loved it to bits and got done before I even try it with coffee
My son loves it too..
I can relate to that gone before coffee thing
thank you Valli
Hi …. ur recipe looks great mam , is there any other way to bake . Bec i dont have oven .
Hello Ameerah,
Yes, there is a way to make these over stove top but I haven’t tried it personally. I can get back once I try it. Thanks!
One of my favorite recipes. Simple but packs a
Punch! When I make these for friends and family, it always results in warm smiles and makes dear ones nostalgic about their childhood in india. Thanks mullai !
Definitely nostalgic, just brings back all my school day memories…usually get these in near by tea kadai, which makes batches of these, piled one on top of another, attracts every kid who pass by… sweet old memories! Thanks to you Prarthana for trying my recipes!
Hvng doubt in preparation this biscuit, no water require to need? I added all the above in same ratio but it didn’t come like chappathi dough, after kneaded it is thoigirathu why?will it be so?or i added butter more or less help me pl… when try to stretch crack is also coming.. am didn’t get like chappathi dough consistency
Brinda, definitely no water in this recipe. The dough will be very soft once to mix and kind of sticky. Dust with some flour and make stiff dough and refrigerate, it will become hard after that. Try to cover with plastic wrap and stretch , the dough will be sticky but not sure why there are cracks. I think there is more butter in your recipe, try fixing with little flour. It will work out. Thanks!
1 yr measurement in grams above is right mullai? Is butter need double the flour? In ingredients list you mentioned 1cup flour : 1/2 cup butter, but in grams its another measurement. When kneading not getting as like in yr photo, its very sticky not able to form as dough, I used grams ratio what you gave. Pl help me where went wrong. For 60 grams flour, 120 gram butter require?
Hi Brinda,
The cup measurement to grams varies with each ingredients and whatever I posted in the recipe is only approx. I’ve removed it from the recipe, just use regular measuring cup. Whichever cup you use, make sure you use 1 cup flour+ 1/2 cup butter+ 1/4 cup sugar and just a tiny pinch of salt. Make sure the butter is not too soft, (do not melt butter) make sure its soft to blend with the flour & also make sure you refrigerate the dough before making. Hope this helps!
O.k Mullai thanks,
I tried this, hvng doubt, flour &butter mix only for kneading no water require? After mix up everything as like above ratio dough is not like chappathi maavu consistency after knead, its getting break like thoivathu, will it so? Or where went wrong butter less or more i added.. give me tips please..
its came out well,thanks for ur recepie
Thank you Hema for your valuable feedback.
Awesome…..turned out to be a heavenly utterly butterly biscuit……..yummy……
Many thanks for the simplest recipe……..
I tried this first time and made very good butter biscuits. we really loved it and we would like to thank you very much for sharing this one with all.. Keep sharing and we would like to know more dishes from you in future.
Thank you soooo much Suganthi!
Can I little less butter..????
Akila, these are butter biscuits and we cannot compromise on that. Thanks!
Hi. Is it okay to just use powdered sugar to begin with – instead of powdering the granulated sugar? Thank you!!!!
Julie, make sure you use castor sugar(powdered sugar) instead of granulated sugar. Do not use confectioners sugar which is also powdered sugar but the has corn starch in it. Thanks.
Thanks Mullai for posting this receipe. It really came out well. Everyone in the family loved it.
If we prepare this biscuit in cooking range what will be the Temparature Mullai mam> please let me know what is the difference btw cooking range baking & oven baking, pl., help
mam can we make this recipe with wheat flour ?
Revathy, usually butter biscuits are made with Maida, I haven’t tried with whole wheat flour yet but you can make with it just that I don’t have exact measures to help you out. Thanks and let me know if it turns out good.
I tried this biscuit.it came out good..thank you mullai.
[…] Originally Posted by tashidelek2002 Google spritz cookies…..perhaps this is what you want? They are easy to make but require a cookie press (which is inexpensive). I found it டீ கடை பட்டர் பிஸ்கட் | Spiceindiaonline […]
Hi Mullai just chanced on your site and am looking forward to trying these biscuits for our grandkids. God bless
First up, I tried this recipe and it came out pretty well. Bad that the WalMart baking sheet infused its metal smell into the cookies. But that’s fine, next time, i ll be more careful.
Secondly, i placed the cookies closer to each other. As they were baking i noticed that they expand. So, the cookies were conjoined after 15 or so minutes. Can you please add a note in the recipe to place the cookies apart by at least 2 inches? Or, am i missing something
Lastly, thanks for all of your work. Fantastic job. Keep it up.
Hi Mullai,
Thanks so much for all your recipes. I tried chettinad kurma it came out so yummy. Regarding the biscuit, i had real kick when I read the title. I tried it and came out real good and my DH lovedi it very much. My only question is i had little bitter taste after eating the biscuit. Why is that? One thing I did was i boiled the water and kept the butter vessel on top of it like a lid to make it soft that too only for 5 secs. If you know the answer please let me know. Onc again thanks a million.
Geetha, baking soda or baking powder sometimes cause bitterness if added in excess due to its alkaline properties but my recipe doesn’t have both. May be its your butter, there are chances for it to go rancid too. Next time, try bringing the butter to room temperature by just keeping them outside for sometime. That’s all I can think of at this point. Better luck next time! Thanks.
Thanks for your reply Mullai. I followed your recipe to a T.I think I kept bit longer in the oven…my cookies are little browned than white. Yummy biscuits… eating and typing the same time and kid in me is dancing with joy while eating this.Thanks for posting this wonderful recipe.
Thanks for this recipe, I always use to crave for this biscuit, now I can make this any time i want. I already tried it, it came out great.
Looking fwd for great recipes from you.
Yummmmmmmmy ,Thanks ,reminded us of school days .
The biscuits came out exactly like in your pictures and tasted very good. Thanks for the recipe Mullai!
Thanks for this wonderful recipe… my first baking expedition with your recipe was a super duper success. With a cup of tea, samosas and this biscuit was able to bring back the feel of a real ‘tea kadai’.
Hi Mullai,
When I read this post couple of days ago, I was eagerly waiting to buy butter bars to make it. Finally I set everything to bake. Untill the tray went inside the oven, everything just looked like your picture. But once they went inside the oven, it started melting.. as though it couldnt hold the position. It just melted. After 10 mins, it was just crip layer filled in the tray. The taste is good but just didnt hold the shape of this cookie. I have tried similar type Khara biscuits, it was great, we add bakign powder to it. Should we have to use baking powder in this receipe? Its not in receipe but somehow I think baking powder was needed to bake this cookie.
I have tried most of your recipes everything turned out awesome, just this didnt work out for me…
Savitha, did you refrigerate the dough before baking? if not there is chance or if you used microwave to melt your butter this could happen. The biscuit dough should be soft when touched but stiff to hold its shape when you take it out of the refrigerator. Thats about it and there is no need to add any baking powder, I make these often and turns great everytime. Try a small batch again. Thanks.
Yes Mullai, I did everything as mentioned. Didnt melt the butter in microwave.. the dove was stiff to hold when I took out from Fridge. I see someone had success in this receipe. Still cant figure y it happened. Will try next time.
Thanks for the response.
Thanks mullai..
Hi Shanthi and Bakya,
I’ve added a small table for measures in grams under the notes. Please check it out!
Vow!!! wonderful recipe Mullai…
one small help, can u give these measurements in grams?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Mullai, Thanks for sharing this wonderful butter biscuit recipe.My all time fav..
It will be helpful for me if the ingredients are in gms..
Thank you so much,
Let me know do we need to keep 35oF for 2 times, am I right? 1st to keep 350F for pre heat & again 350f for 15 mts..please clear my doubt?
We need a temperature of 350F to start the baking process, so we switch on the oven, setting the temperature as 350F, its takes about few minutes for the oven to reach that temperature and once it reaches the set temperature it will hold. This is the preheating process. Once you’re done with cutting and decorating your biscuits, we start the baking process with the oven ready at 350F waiting for you to put the tray inside. Once the tray is loaded, the cooking time starts which is about 15- 18 minutes. Hope you understood. Good luck and have a great weekend! Thanks.
Wow ! Super ! Will try this weekend. Great snaps mullai.