This is a great site. I love the glossary. I stumbled upon it trying to find a better kulmbhu milage. Yours looks good as do your recipes. Glad I found your site.
I am addicted to Indian cuisine. Your website is amazing. I only wish I could master a few of these recipes. The amount of seasoning and spices required for so many dishes is unreal… every dish looks so appealing and appetizing. The presentation is beautiful. A genuine classic delicious collection of some of the MOST AMAZING dishes I’ve ever seen.
Happened to visit your site by chance. Whoa!! Am amazed by your pictures. Extremely well organised and neat site!! jus love this. Would love to get your suggestions and tips on my blog too ( Amazing work indeed!! Please keep it up
You are simply superb. All your recipes are excellent. Everything turns our to be super fine.
Just one request… please post the recipe for Rasam powder. I tried few other recipes but did not turn to nice. Your’s will be definitely good. Blindly I can follow that. Please help me… Hoping to see the rasam powder receipe soon..
Like your site. I ran across it today. I cook some Indian food. I love Indian food and started to cook some recipes since I am over 1 hour from an Indian Restaurant and the one I love to go to is over 3 hours away. So I have been learning from sites, and books. At my age of 59 to start cooking Indian it is a little hard for me only because of my memory. But I have learned to get every thing ready and set out. I may read the recipe 20 times but I manage. I am going to try a salmon and a shrimp one I found on your site, They are very simple but I know from the spices used they will be great. I have made some chicken and pork dishes and rice and the spinach one I forgot what it is called , ahh Saag, but love to try new things. Thanks for the recipes and will continue to keep checking back and try more. They all look so good.
Thank you Karen for stopping and taking your time to post a lovely comment, really appreciate it! Nice to hear that you tried some of my recipes and really admire your interest that you have in exploring new stuff! Any doubt.. feel free to post and will walk you through! Thanks again!
Hi Mullai!!! All your recipes are wonderful. I started cooking from your website 2 years back which was referred to me by my sister. Can you try to post these chicken recipes : Ginger chicken, garlic chicken, methi chicken, etc???
hi mullai, hope you are doing good. Waiting for your new post Hope your son is doing good and he must be busy enjoying his summer vacation. Take care mullai.
Hi Cap, I’m good and hope the same, romba nandri for remembering us. All fine, summer vacation is going smooth but little hectic and will definitely catch up once school re-opens.
I am really excited to see your website. Its really awsome mam. Good work. So long I am searching for this kind of websites, finally got yours. your recipes are really excellent and picturization is perfect…. continue to post new new recipes mam so that we may benefit from that. Thanks.
You are doing a excellent job
Vareity of indian dishes in one place with so much creativity
and the picture added to it is really awesome
I have learnt lot of new items from SIO
Thanks alot
Keep up your good work
Hello mam,
I am new to this website, but I am already looking through all your site tabs.
I am not able to find the tab for joining your website. Could you please help me with it? Thank you!!
Could u tell us some more recipe for lunch box for kids, its very useful for us who having very picky eater.
And also i need recipe for butter naan(conventional oven or cooktop).
I am new to your site. It is my 1st time. I would like to request you to add recipes from Goa, especially the sweets and curries. Hoping to be here most of the time. Thanks in advance.
Hi Mullai, checking your site after a long time. I was not able to access in between. Congratulations, your new look is awesome. Hope to see a lot more from you. All the best for your future endeavors.
Hi Mullai, lovely to see the site back. But the search function is not working well – would be great if that gets fixed. Or if there could be a A-Z indexing
Hi mullai,iam really v.happy to see SIO back again after a gap.Though i wasn’t unable to view sio often,i got bit upset when it was in under maintenence.
Hey Mullai…Very happy to see you back again, refreshed and renewed. Can’t tell you how many times I checked to see if you are back from maintenance mode. Relieved now
Happy to see SpiceIndiaonline after a long hiatus in a whole new avtaar not only with exotic dishes as ever but also with a new, organised, revived look..
Hey.We are happy that website is back again. I really missed seein new receipes. What happened actually.. I even tried getting some contact numbers but in vain..
I am really worried for not able to login for past two months, i just thought as i missed the wonderful site and i can’t able to login anymore. Thanks for coming back
I am from Bangalore, currently settled in a small town in Ireland. As known, street foods and eat outs are the things we miss out when out of India. I wanted to try out indo chinese like manchurians, for which vinegar is most important ingredient. In the stores here, there are different kinds of vinegar like rice, white wine, red wine etc. Can you please let me know which vinegar suits the best for Chinese dishes.
hi…all i have joined this community just a while ago i was really fascinated seeing the photographs and the recipes which are given are so very clear hoping to learn a lot and share my tips and recipes tooooo
Hi… what happened to the favorites section of this website, I had so many recipes added to favorites & today I login after a long time & it’s not there… is this due to site maintenance?
Hello.. I am Anand from Sharjah. I used to make Pongal, Bisibele bath. These are nice to eat when they are made hot. But after sometime they get so hard, it looks like a cake. What do they do in hotels to keep these items soft semi-solid. Can you let me know, please ? Thanks, Anand
Me and my girlfriend have just got back from india and have been ooking for good quality indian recipes so are very happy to have found this quality site.
This is Theanmozhi Martin from Toronto, Canada. I registered myself in this site, the sole purpose being to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Not only coz your recipes are fantastic but you are so kind and innocent to share all the secret tips which am sure most of the cooks wont. My husband too conveys his respect to you. We wish you and your family good health and peace.
Hey Mullai ,
First thing recipes r soooooooo good
I luv to cook , and ur websites is really good. With this cold season , can u post spicy recipes , Murungakkai poricha kara kuzhambu was simply delicious , my mom used to make. cauliflower varuval mmm ora romba nala vanthuchu .Well every recipe seems to have is own unique taste and u bring the taste out perfectly. keep on posting …
Hi Mullai,
U r my cooking guru now. Ur recipes r too gud and I love this site a lot.Step by step instructions with photos r really helping me in my cooking.Keep up ur gud work.Kalakkareenga ponga!!!
Hi Mullai,
Thanks for your recipe. I find this site has an helping hand for me as i am new to cooking… I need your tips for cooking rice in cooker. I find this site to be more sweet, spicy and delicious.
Hi Mullai
This is my new favorite site. I keep coming here to check any new dish I intend to make. I keep telling my husband that Mullai is my new cooking teacher Thanks a lot for building and maintaining this wonderful site. Every dish I made using your recipe came out very well, awesome site. I am going to make Murukulu next
I am a new member to your website. Thank you so much for offering wonderful recipes. I have tried few vegetarian recipes, it came out well & tastes good.I am happy with your website.
Hi Mullai,
Your site is no.1 in my favorite list from the day one I came to know your site through my good friend. I have tried many receipes both veg and non-veg. Thanks for the receipes and keep up the good work always.
It just raised in our mind while planning for the road trip & camping. We wish your site to have a food lists column, that suggests a easy ToGo foods receipes which stays good for couple of days would really help many breaking head to make a trip move smooth. Think upon and keep up good work.
I got recently married and quite new to cooking. One of our friend referred your site and is really helpful..its been ready reckoner to me many times. Thanks!
One more suggestion from my would be great if you also mention the output quantity based on the ingredients measure you post. For example, I was checking Gobi Manchurian today…I wanted to know to serve much of batter to make or approx to make around 10-15 many spoons of Maida.
I am a new member but I have been visiting your site for past three months and tried most of your vegetarian recipes which turned really TASTY. Thanks ever so much. Keep up the good work.
You are doing an awesome job here, keep it up! I am a big fan of you and browse your website for new recipes almost everyday.
I have a small request. when am looking for recipes and half way through reading, when i want to see the pictures posted for the recipes, I can’t because I need to log-in to see the pictures. So when I come out of the recipe page to log-in , I cannot go back to the page I was reading before. I have to start all over again. Is there a possibility to fix this? That is , to include a feature which allows users to go back to the same page they were reading before, after logging-in?
I understand the time you are already putting in the website. This feature will add an even more pleasant experience with the website. Thanks!
hi i am a new member. i just went through and seems to be really interesting for i just love to cook. i would like to know more about all purpose flour. where do i get them , is it the same as whole wheat flour.
hi, i am a new member.i have just started cooking. i hve a query. i would like to knw for what purpose,when they are used and in what quantity are dhaniya powder,jeera powder,gharam masala used.i am a little confused about their quantity of usage.
Hi Mullai,
Your website is awesome with the most authentic recipes. But, I find it difficult to login everytime with the complicated password that you provide. It would be better if the users could have their own passwords like all the other sites
Thanks, Joe.
HI Mullai,
Hats off 2 u !!! i am newly married…. your recipees are the one helping me out in the Kitchen…. Now a days i atleast spend 10-15 mins daily in ur website to look for a recipee and it has become like a daily task…
Keep growing…. Wish you all the succcess and happiness…
IN B/w Madhavan is lucky !
You are doing really a great job. I have tried lot of your receipes, everything comes out well. I love the receipe of Paneer butter masala. Its awesome to taste the gravy as in the hotel. Thanks for your receipes. I love this site. I started viewinf all your receipes since Jan 2007, but now only registerd just to say praise your work. keep it up…pls do post lot of innovative receipes. Kindly put some PIE receipes and some kerala receipes because I belong to kerala.
Hi.. Mrs. Mullai Madhavan.. You did a very great job.. I am quite happy with your site.. I am an Indian citizen living in UK. For a quite long time, I have searched the website for good indian receipe.. When I came across your site, I am very happy with that..
I wish this site to get more popular and enlarge..
I am new to this site. I was just browsing for Mushroom biryani and found this site. I tried the Biryani and it came out good too. I really like this site and have registered too. I am looking forward to try out recipes. It is nice to be a part of this.
hi mullai, this is maria from doha and i am new to this site well i have seen chettinadu recipe’s (actually my hubby likes) let me try ur chettinadu kurma, chicken recipe and i’ll get back to u once again
really its good to share ur experience with the others, specially for the new married womens
nice to see this page and it is maintaining by mullai is amzing.
i am very new to this site and definitely thru this site will reach many of my friends, in brunei all my friends are forgot some traditional items and i hope we can get everything from here thanks a lot and all the best to u.
Hey Mullai…
the website is amazing… the recipes look super simple… n the photos are mouthwatering…
i was looking for a site which had innovative recipes put together well.. n seems my search has ended… the photos just make me want to get up n start cooking… its an amazing website u hav put up… congratulations n im going to begin with the hotel sambar…. shal post u n let u know how t turned out…
thanks a lot… a total like saver…
specially coz my hubby loves home cooked meals…
Hai… i have tried some of your recipes and all of them have turned out gr8. As a frequent user i jus felt it would be nice if users have a printer-friendly version so that we can print the needed recipe by a click of a button. Itz jus my thought. Thx!!
mullai, you seem to be a hit in this blog.. well then can u give me a couple of lunch recipes for my husband to carry. not too dry and not to spicy… please …. thanks sujatha
Hi friends, I am verty happy to join this site. Mullai ur receipes r simply superb.
I tried ur Gobi 65. it came out very my sons like that very much. thanks for ur receipe. Great job u r doing. Keep it up.
hi friends, I am happy to sign into this blog. I am too happy that i am also one of the guest in this site. Thanks for sharing your recipes to all and also once again thanks for signing to this site.
Hi Mullai, Got a query. Is there a way to do quick search of your recipes alone? Because, after “search” I had to check each recipe, to find whether it is yours or not. Pls. help.
Hope you are doing fine. I started browsing this site very recently and tried few items. Whenever i try something from the site, my husband says “Mullai Vazhga”… All the dishes that i tried came out very well.
Thanks for helping newly married girls like me to get appreciations from everyone by posting simple dishes with rich taste.
Mullai! sonna namba mateenga! unga recipes ellam try pannuradhukkaga indha 2 weeks sa daily IndiAn grocery stores shopping panniten..My hubby got so surprised and was so happy..and i shared the food with my sister in law too..They were staring at me.hahahha! Finally ungallukku dhan nandri sollanum! u r too down to earth! and a fantastic cook! everybody in this site are very lucky to get u man!
I am new to your site.You did a good job .KEEP IT UP.i am looking for a good food processor for indian cooking.What is your recommendation?
very good site by pictures for cooking, it is my concern that in nonveg categories there is no category like chicken, mutton or seafood seperate categories, In Non veg category all kind of mixed together, otherwise everything is really great.
then, oru chinna request Mullai…ungaloda recipes-a categorize panni irukra maadhiri is it possible to categorize member’s recipes also???? adhu senja it’ll b even more helpful i feel Mullai, just ennoda chinna thought. i donno how to maintain a website and all. so ungalukku idhu maadhiri seiya facilities irundha, seiya mudinja it’d be better for newcomers to search categorically Mullai, tks.
Dear Mullai
You are doing such a great work.Thank you very very much.Few weeks back I wanted to try chettinad chicken curry,so when I typed it in google I found your web site.Since then every evening I use to check your site to prepare tasty dinner.Iam from Sri lanka and Iam sinhalese but my fiance from chennai.So I was struggling to make sambar,rasam for his taste.But now Iam expert in south indian cooking beacouse of you.Every time I make new curries he will ask me is it from Mullai.You became an unseen friend for us.Keep posting tasty recipes.God bless you.
To Mullai, my dear beloved grand-daughter
Congrats, for your excellent service in alleviating the craving for south-indian food of the newly-married sisters and bachelor brothers from India who throng USA as software engineers and on other
jobs. Your website is a great boon to them all, where you have given numerous food items with their method of preparation, the quantity of the various ingredients used, accompained by photographs of the prepared
items. Even those who do not know the ABC of cooking can become good cooks after a few trials. Thanks to you. God bless you, and grant you all the best in life.
Unga veetila innaiku visheshamaa? Solli irundhaa vandhuripome?Kalakureenga? Nice red color to the recipe and pasi illaadhavangalukkum thoondi vidareenga..
chiken tikka masala super.. enakku ippo naa endha recipe first try panradhu nu doubt.. SIo members adukeete poraanga..Thanks for sharing!
Hey Mullai,
i’ve been reading this website since a while now….
you have some of the most awesome creations cooking in your web kitchen
Thank to you so many of us are enjoying cooking…
After marriage only I started cooking NV. Chicken mattum saapiduven.. Will try your your mutton with chicken to make chicken biriyani. Ok Mullai.. Have a nice weekend.
Just came to know abt your website from my friend in Minneapolis.Tried your Masala Chai now and came out so well.Your job is highly appreciated.Cud you post some simple receipes using Tofu.Can we substitute paneer with Tofu ?.
After your msg, Unga song thiruppi ketka try pannen, but the youtube link says it is no longer available. yes my daughter likes to scroll your home page is she can press the up and down keys and she sees new pics. she thinks that she is acheiving something by herself Then I saw yaradi ni mohini today just realeased, nayan and dhanush.. appaa. vairu kulunga siruchitte irunthen very nice movie, lively.. ok mullai.. Have a nice WE. bye
HI mullai..pls help me in this regard….where can i find indian stlye chicken i.e not a whole chicken but cleaned whole chicken…i tried Indian stores but that didnt work for me..i go for boneless and Bi-Lo drummetes… not satisfied..And what abt mutton …I can’t find our mutton taste and what should i choose lamb or goat…bcos am not aware of these things…whats the difference???? hw long can i store?? really i cook upto 22 whistles for mutton in pressure cooker…its wierd..suggest some good stores…thanks in advance..
samachadhai parimaruriyo illayo adhai modhalla foto eduthukuriyae!!!appadeennu ennoda husband enna kindal panraaru..idhellam unga recipes a paathu inspire aanadhunala thaan.Btw how to upload fotos ,,,pls tell me i tried doing it but was not succesful sorry about that.
Hi Mullai,
I have tried few receipe of yours such as vadai, chettinad chicken and chett. button mushroom and they have turned out well. Yesterday I cooked hotel sambar and it was good. I really appreciate your works and also thank you for sharing your receipe which has helped me to try out new dishes.
Hi Mullai,
I have a suggestion. If there is an option for having a look at the previous day’s comments it will enable us to view some other recipes, too. Thanks…
Hi I should say that this is the best site for people who are learning to cook and especially for people who are married and who are trying to impress their husband and their in-laws…i wud say that this site is the one stop spot to learn..and not only that..watever recipes u try from this site will give u the same taste that u would get wen u have food made by ur mom..Hats off Mullai for ur valuable work..keep going!!! I like all ur recipes especially the oatmeal raisin cookies are awesome and i try that very often and now i am an expert in making them,,me going to India on a vacation…and also in the process of shifting the house at Taiwan as the contract is getting will upload recipes soon..hope those recipes will be up to ur expectation..:)
Hai Mullai,I saw this site it is wonderful. I tried all the recipes it came out well. I bought the cusinart classic Hard Andoized Nonstick set cookware.Is it better product equal to calphalon.Please reply me.I am waiting for ur reply.bye
Hi Mullai,i saw this site when i was searching for paneer recipes.i think this is one of the best cooking site i have seen.the pictures of items and the detailed mentioning of measurements and mouth watering recipes makkes every one to try some thing new.i had pakistani mutton and pudina mutton in hyderabadi hotel can u pls post this recipes if u have an idea? thanks,nazreen.
Dear Mullai, your website is a gift for all the ladies…Great website…Awesome Receipes…Excellent Presentation…Good and friendly relationship with members…Good way of answering…hmmm eppdi solrathu…Nothing could beat this…All your family members are very much lucky to have you especially your husband is very lucky. Nowadays my cooking gets better b’coz of you…Thanks Mullai – With Hugs shan
Hi mullai,
Thanks for the recipes in spice india online. other than recipe why don’t we share about the Kitchen cleanliness tips, cookery tips(if suppose a salt is added too in a food, what preparation we can made to control it), Vessels tips, Micro oven tips Etc., Thanks
When ever i try posting a receipe. before i post it i make sure whether i have typed in all the ingredients. but it happens that when i post it i am not able to see that in the website but when i click edit i am able to see it.. sometimes i test my patience alot. i dont know why this happens.
Hey Mullai, I came across your site while searching for gobi manchurian recipe, through Google and I am glad I did. You have a detailed blog with all kinds of recipes and it’s like a database which I can lookup anytime I want to try something new. Thanks and keep up the good work.
Hi Mullai….
Your recipes are very very good,intersting and tasty.
I really enjoying visiting your website and try lot new recipes.
i tried yesterday Hotel Sambar.It was very tasty.My friends are enjoyed it.I used to recommend your site to my friends.
Im Huge fan of your photos.
Dear Mullai,
Definitely you and your web site deserves lot of appreciation, as i have notices that you are no only great at cooking, but also the way you spread this art, which is truly amazing. I am happened to your site only today, i went thru ur site for nearly 2hrs , i have found your reciepes are simple by all means, the photos , garnishing are much realistic and moreover the intereaction you usually do with your visitors which is truly commendeble.
Cooking , One of the finest art, will make symphony only with people having lot of passion and interest for it… Mullai, you are really one amoung them.
We must appreciate Mr Madhavan also, coz his one simple neagtive comment in the beginning couldhave turned your site down…
A very nice website where in we find very good recipes..I have tried around 4 of urs till now and everything turned out well..Gaobi Manchurian and Pepper chicken were the best of all..I am a pure vegetarian but still managed to prepare the chicken dish for my hubby..He enjoyed the dish..Keep posting new dishes..
Btw Is cooking ur hobby ?
Hi Mullai,
I was looking at your recipes and wanted to know about the kadalpasi/kalpasi. I have one big stone looks like a black padigaram! I do not know how to use it. You have mentioned in one of your recipes as use 3 numbers. How do I add? I have one huge stone and what time should I add this while cooking.
Dear Mullai
am a new comer to ur site .its simply superb.
i like the way of presentation its clearly explained with pictures and step by step.Being a starter it helped me lot on my kitchen work and it earned me ‘good cook’title at home.Thanks a lot.
I have a question ,can u tell me the ingrediants for preparing garam masala powder?
I would be grateful to u if u reply this question.
Thanks again.
Hai Mullai,
We all who using ur recipe must really want to appreciate u Mullai. Thanks a lot lot lot for these good recipes. And all the best for ur next oncoming recipes for us.
hi Mullai,all ure recipes are very good,nicely displayed with photos and small suggestion.can u put ure recipes monthwise,like in other blogs,so that it will be much easier for people to find out which recipe has been posted recently.this is one difficulty i found in ure site,otherwise its perfect.Thanx
Hi Mullai,
The website spiceindiaonline shows your Interest in cooking.
The pictures shows your Sincerity towards giving the perfect recipe for users.
Hats off to your work!
What a site!!!
This site makes me hungary…I just love this site.Its very helpful to introduce us a new varities of food!…hope to see some more sites like this and Best of luck for this site
Saw ur methu pokoda, can u send me the receipe for vegetable pokado too. Once i have tasted in my friends house was so yummuy even when it was cold. or atleast mashed potato pokoda.
I’ve recently moved to my in laws and I was scratching my head for how to cook as i am not that expert.
Your site is great and very helpful.
I am planning to try some of these and let you know how it came out.
Your receipe is sharing is really awesome.Can help even the first cookers to become better cooks.I would like to have Vegetable Kurma Receipe, can you pls post it or send it to me.
I’ve recently moved to Melbourne and I was scratching my head for Deepavali Sweets and snacks, Your site is great and very helpful. I am planning to try some of these and let you know how it came out. Thanks, Bye.
Hi ,
Ur recipies are very tasty, they are all very picturistic. I also want to post some ogf my mom taught tasty recipes online like … gokarakaya curry, masala birakaya, rajma, mushrooms curry, Different style pudina rice etc.
Let me know if you are interested.
Hi Mullai,
Saw this site and am tempted to try some of them soon .The pictures and cooking instructions are great …Keep up the good work .
Thanks and wish you good luck.
Kusum D
hai,ths is a real good recipe site…the explanantion is verywell done…i have tried many of ur posted cameout great.keep posting more recipes buddy…we all r waiting to try….thnx a bunch.
hi, recipes are easier to children wanted me to go to this site.My friends too praised.Add
country foods.Idli was quiet interesting and the way presnted was good.
hi this is rosy….rams friend
All ur recepies are easy to make and are great.Even i enjoy cooking and will surely contribute some chat items . :-)any ways great job!:-)
hi!! aish here.. ramyas frnd.. ur site is cool.. lotta recipes.. pics are really nice:-)hey jus like u given the recipe for hotel sambhar do give us the recipe for hotel pongal:-):-)…. hehe
hai,lot of spicy stuffs yaar!can u put some nice chettinad style crab curry hubby keeps asking and i dont know how to do.u seem to explain things in detail.ttthanks!
Hi, this is a different one i suppose!Today many consider cooking as the most boring task on earth!
But you have taken pains to create a place for detailed cooking Good efforts! really useful for people like me who are beginers.:-}
Hi…This is Siddharth, Dilip’s roommate…I think you’re site is a wonderful idea, especially for non-cooks like us…..Anyways, wish you the best of luck, and hope you can share your knowledge in cooking to all those who can benefit from it! Sincere Best wishes from my side…Also, I’m learning quite a bit from this site!
All your recipes are excellent and in detail… Everything turns our to be super fine. Thanks
Yaayyyyy! thank you
This is a great site. I love the glossary. I stumbled upon it trying to find a better kulmbhu milage. Yours looks good as do your recipes. Glad I found your site.
hi your website contain so good please give a backlink in my website
I am addicted to Indian cuisine. Your website is amazing. I only wish I could master a few of these recipes. The amount of seasoning and spices required for so many dishes is unreal… every dish looks so appealing and appetizing. The presentation is beautiful. A genuine classic delicious collection of some of the MOST AMAZING dishes I’ve ever seen.
Thank you for your feedback
Thanks For Such Wonderful blog I really Your recipes and I am Big Fan and Also a Food Lover
I like your recipes and too good. This website design looks pretty good!
Thank you so much!
Hi Mullai,
Happened to visit your site by chance. Whoa!! Am amazed by your pictures. Extremely well organised and neat site!! jus love this. Would love to get your suggestions and tips on my blog too ( Amazing work indeed!! Please keep it up
Thanks Gouthami!
Dear Mullai,
You are simply superb. All your recipes are excellent. Everything turns our to be super fine.
Just one request… please post the recipe for Rasam powder. I tried few other recipes but did not turn to nice. Your’s will be definitely good. Blindly I can follow that. Please help me… Hoping to see the rasam powder receipe soon..
Hello Sowmya dear, thank you for such a great comment, really happy to read your feedback. Sure let me work on it and will update soon. Thanks again.
Like your site. I ran across it today. I cook some Indian food. I love Indian food and started to cook some recipes since I am over 1 hour from an Indian Restaurant and the one I love to go to is over 3 hours away. So I have been learning from sites, and books. At my age of 59 to start cooking Indian it is a little hard for me only because of my memory. But I have learned to get every thing ready and set out. I may read the recipe 20 times but I manage. I am going to try a salmon and a shrimp one I found on your site, They are very simple but I know from the spices used they will be great. I have made some chicken and pork dishes and rice and the spinach one I forgot what it is called , ahh Saag, but love to try new things. Thanks for the recipes and will continue to keep checking back and try more. They all look so good.
Thank you Karen for stopping and taking your time to post a lovely comment, really appreciate it! Nice to hear that you tried some of my recipes and really admire your interest that you have in exploring new stuff! Any doubt.. feel free to post and will walk you through! Thanks again!
Hi Mullai!!! All your recipes are wonderful. I started cooking from your website 2 years back which was referred to me by my sister. Can you try to post these chicken recipes : Ginger chicken, garlic chicken, methi chicken, etc???
Hi, Mullai hw r u and ur son? we all fine here.
hi mullai, hope you are doing good. Waiting for your new post
Hope your son is doing good and he must be busy enjoying his summer vacation. Take care mullai.
Hi Cap, I’m good and hope the same, romba nandri for remembering us. All fine, summer vacation is going smooth but little hectic and will definitely catch up once school re-opens.
I HAPPY TO SEE DIFFERENT Glossary names in one page it helped a lot
Hi Mullai Mam,
I am really excited to see your website. Its really awsome mam. Good work. So long I am searching for this kind of websites, finally got yours. your recipes are really excellent and picturization is perfect…. continue to post new new recipes mam so that we may benefit from that. Thanks.
Your recipes are simple and easy to make. I am new to your website and have tried preparing chilli chicken, it came out great.
Your website is really wonderful.
You are doing a excellent job
Vareity of indian dishes in one place with so much creativity
and the picture added to it is really awesome
I have learnt lot of new items from SIO
Thanks alot
Keep up your good work
Thanks Dear.
Hi madam,
Could you please post recipe for Adhirasam?
Hai mullai,
Am new for baking. I just want to know the do’s and dont’s in oven. Pls help me
Hi Mullai
i have posted 7 cupcake in this site, but not able to see that dish, when can i expect that
hi mullai.. tried some of ur recipes and turned out very well

thanks for the recipes.. ur measurements are pakka
could u pls upload the recipe for semiya payasam using condensed milk..
thank u
Hi Mullai – Really looking forward to some good Diwali specials from you!!
Hello mam,
I am new to this website, but I am already looking through all your site tabs.
I am not able to find the tab for joining your website. Could you please help me with it? Thank you!!
good recipes ..
It is helping me for cooking nice indian dishes. I am also from Bangalore
hi mullai,
Could u tell us some more recipe for lunch box for kids, its very useful for us who having very picky eater.
And also i need recipe for butter naan(conventional oven or cooktop).
Hi Mullai,
Do you use Instant Gulab Jamun mix? If yes,do you have a favorite brand and why. Readers also can chime in with their comments.
I am new to your site. It is my 1st time. I would like to request you to add recipes from Goa, especially the sweets and curries. Hoping to be here most of the time. Thanks in advance.
Hi Mullai, checking your site after a long time. I was not able to access in between. Congratulations, your new look is awesome. Hope to see a lot more from you. All the best for your future endeavors.
Hi Mdm Mullai,
Hw ru doing?
Atlast.. finally can login in ur website again..
Really missed u n ur receipes
Welcome back, dear..
Wow, Mullai, You are back!! Lovely to see you. Missed spiceindia and you for a long time.. Site looks more cute now. All the best..
Hi Mullai, lovely to see the site back. But the search function is not working well – would be great if that gets fixed. Or if there could be a A-Z indexing
Thanks for the feedback. We have improved our search function. Try now and report if the problem still exist.
hi mullai happy to see SIO back again with new avataar
I missed you Mullai, great to have you back!!! The new design looks really good, well done
Happy new year to you!
Hi mullai,iam really v.happy to see SIO back again after a gap.Though i wasn’t unable to view sio often,i got bit upset when it was in under maintenence.
I missed ur site for a long time. quite interesting recipes
Hey Mullai…Very happy to see you back again, refreshed and renewed. Can’t tell you how many times I checked to see if you are back from maintenance mode. Relieved now
Happy to see SpiceIndiaonline after a long hiatus in a whole new avtaar not only with exotic dishes as ever but also with a new, organised, revived look..
ur site has helped me to try new recipes.thank’s a lot mullai..
ur site is too slow mullai..
Hi Mullai, very glad that i got back access to ur site. missed ur recipes a lot all these days………. i used to try every day, anyway happy now
Hey.We are happy that website is back again. I really missed seein new receipes. What happened actually.. I even tried getting some contact numbers but in vain..
I am really worried for not able to login for past two months, i just thought as i missed the wonderful site and i can’t able to login anymore. Thanks for coming back
Mullai, you scared the heck out of me by going offline…what happened?
I am from Bangalore, currently settled in a small town in Ireland. As known, street foods and eat outs are the things we miss out when out of India. I wanted to try out indo chinese like manchurians, for which vinegar is most important ingredient. In the stores here, there are different kinds of vinegar like rice, white wine, red wine etc. Can you please let me know which vinegar suits the best for Chinese dishes.
Plain distilled white vinegar should be fine, rice wine will work too. Thanks.
hi…all i have joined this community just a while ago i was really fascinated seeing the photographs and the recipes which are given are so very clear hoping to learn a lot and share my tips and recipes tooooo
Hi… what happened to the favorites section of this website, I had so many recipes added to favorites & today I login after a long time & it’s not there… is this due to site maintenance?
Hello.. I am Anand from Sharjah. I used to make Pongal, Bisibele bath. These are nice to eat when they are made hot. But after sometime they get so hard, it looks like a cake. What do they do in hotels to keep these items soft semi-solid. Can you let me know, please ? Thanks, Anand
PS : I am a great fan of your Vada Curry recipie
Anand, the space here is limited to type a detailed explanation. Check ur guest book.
Hi Mullai,
This is Mrs.SathyaSridhar. I am happy to join in this community, saw all your recipes. The recipes looking delicious and yummy.Happy Cooking.
Thanks!!! Great to have you here.
Hi Mullai,
This is Nithya from Erode.Now we live in California. Your receipes are too good…i like your name too…it’s very unique…
Thanks Nithya, romba sandhosham!!!
Hi Mullai, how are you ? If you get time please post Malaysian Fried Rice recipes & Indonasian Fried Rice. Thankyou. Catch you later
Hi Mullai,
I am looking for whiteBread recipe..i searched in the Bread section but i could not find this one.
Can you please help me?
Me and my girlfriend have just got back from india and have been ooking for good quality indian recipes so are very happy to have found this quality site.
many thanks
Tim and Jo
Thankyou dear!!
i am gayathri from maraimalainagar & am interested in veg cooking happy 2 join ur friends community.
Welcome Gayu!!
Hello Mullai akka,
This is Theanmozhi Martin from Toronto, Canada. I registered myself in this site, the sole purpose being to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Not only coz your recipes are fantastic but you are so kind and innocent to share all the secret tips which am sure most of the cooks wont. My husband too conveys his respect to you. We wish you and your family good health and peace.
Warm Regards
En Manamarntha Nandri !!! to Mr and Mrs Martin.
Hey Mullai ,
First thing recipes r soooooooo good
I luv to cook , and ur websites is really good. With this cold season , can u post spicy recipes , Murungakkai poricha kara kuzhambu was simply delicious , my mom used to make. cauliflower varuval mmm ora romba nala vanthuchu .Well every recipe seems to have is own unique taste and u bring the taste out perfectly. keep on posting …
Jasmine thanks a bunch!!
Hi Mullai,
U r my cooking guru now. Ur recipes r too gud and I love this site a lot.Step by step instructions with photos r really helping me in my cooking.Keep up ur gud work.Kalakkareenga ponga!!!
Hi Mullai,
Thanks for your recipe. I find this site has an helping hand for me as i am new to cooking… I need your tips for cooking rice in cooker. I find this site to be more sweet, spicy and delicious.
Hi Mullai
Thanks a lot for building and maintaining this wonderful site. Every dish I made using your recipe came out very well, awesome site. I am going to make Murukulu next 
This is my new favorite site. I keep coming here to check any new dish I intend to make. I keep telling my husband that Mullai is my new cooking teacher
site is wonderful
Hi Mullai,
Thank you so much for offering me a good recipes and I have tried.
Wishing you all the best.
Very Good Site.
Hi Mullai,
I am a new member to your website. Thank you so much for offering wonderful recipes. I have tried few vegetarian recipes, it came out well & tastes good.I am happy with your website.
Wishing you all the very best to you.
Hi Mullai,
Yours reciepies r so helpfull for the beginners and i was in search how to prepare Kerala veg reciepe s .Could u plz help me.
Hi Mullai,
Your site is no.1 in my favorite list from the day one I came to know your site through my good friend. I have tried many receipes both veg and non-veg. Thanks for the receipes and keep up the good work always.
It just raised in our mind while planning for the road trip & camping. We wish your site to have a food lists column, that suggests a easy ToGo foods receipes which stays good for couple of days would really help many breaking head to make a trip move smooth. Think upon and keep up good work.
Hi Mullai,
I got recently married and quite new to cooking. One of our friend referred your site and is really helpful..its been ready reckoner to me many times. Thanks!
One more suggestion from my would be great if you also mention the output quantity based on the ingredients measure you post. For example, I was checking Gobi Manchurian today…I wanted to know to serve much of batter to make or approx to make around 10-15 many spoons of Maida.
Please carry on the good effort.
Hi Mullai
I am a new member but I have been visiting your site for past three months and tried most of your vegetarian recipes which turned really TASTY. Thanks ever so much. Keep up the good work.
Dear Mullai,
You are doing an awesome job here, keep it up! I am a big fan of you and browse your website for new recipes almost everyday.
I have a small request. when am looking for recipes and half way through reading, when i want to see the pictures posted for the recipes, I can’t because I need to log-in to see the pictures. So when I come out of the recipe page to log-in , I cannot go back to the page I was reading before. I have to start all over again. Is there a possibility to fix this? That is , to include a feature which allows users to go back to the same page they were reading before, after logging-in?
I understand the time you are already putting in the website. This feature will add an even more pleasant experience with the website. Thanks!
hi i am a new member. i just went through and seems to be really interesting for i just love to cook. i would like to know more about all purpose flour. where do i get them , is it the same as whole wheat flour.
hi, i am a new member.i have just started cooking. i hve a query. i would like to knw for what purpose,when they are used and in what quantity are dhaniya powder,jeera powder,gharam masala used.i am a little confused about their quantity of usage.
I newly joint in this website. your receipes are too good. I tried almost all the receipes
Hi Mullai,
Your website is awesome with the most authentic recipes. But, I find it difficult to login everytime with the complicated password that you provide. It would be better if the users could have their own passwords like all the other sites
Thanks, Joe.
HI Mullai,
Yours reciepies r so helpfull for the beginners and i was in search how to prepare dishes with Fenugreek Leaves.Could u plz help me.
HI Mullai,

Hats off 2 u !!! i am newly married…. your recipees are the one helping me out in the Kitchen…. Now a days i atleast spend 10-15 mins daily in ur website to look for a recipee and it has become like a daily task…
Keep growing…. Wish you all the succcess and happiness…
IN B/w Madhavan is lucky !
Hi Mullai Madhavan,
You are doing really a great job. I have tried lot of your receipes, everything comes out well. I love the receipe of Paneer butter masala. Its awesome to taste the gravy as in the hotel. Thanks for your receipes. I love this site. I started viewinf all your receipes since Jan 2007, but now only registerd just to say praise your work. keep it up…pls do post lot of innovative receipes. Kindly put some PIE receipes and some kerala receipes because I belong to kerala.
Hi.. Mrs. Mullai Madhavan.. You did a very great job.. I am quite happy with your site.. I am an Indian citizen living in UK. For a quite long time, I have searched the website for good indian receipe.. When I came across your site, I am very happy with that..
I wish this site to get more popular and enlarge..
I am new to this site. I was just browsing for Mushroom biryani and found this site. I tried the Biryani and it came out good too. I really like this site and have registered too. I am looking forward to try out recipes. It is nice to be a part of this.
hi am singaram. am from happy for being one of u.
hi mullai, this is maria from doha and i am new to this site well i have seen chettinadu recipe’s (actually my hubby likes) let me try ur chettinadu kurma, chicken recipe and i’ll get back to u once again
really its good to share ur experience with the others, specially for the new married womens
nice to see this page and it is maintaining by mullai is amzing.
i am very new to this site and definitely thru this site will reach many of my friends, in brunei all my friends are forgot some traditional items and i hope we can get everything from here thanks a lot and all the best to u.
Hi Mullai
I tried your mince meat Vadai and it came out very well. Thanks.
Hi Mullai
I am new to this site.Your recipes are superb. All the very best to you!
Hey Mullai…
the website is amazing… the recipes look super simple… n the photos are mouthwatering…
i was looking for a site which had innovative recipes put together well.. n seems my search has ended… the photos just make me want to get up n start cooking… its an amazing website u hav put up… congratulations n im going to begin with the hotel sambar…. shal post u n let u know how t turned out…
thanks a lot… a total like saver…
specially coz my hubby loves home cooked meals…
Thanks dear.
Hai… i have tried some of your recipes and all of them have turned out gr8. As a frequent user i jus felt it would be nice if users have a printer-friendly version so that we can print the needed recipe by a click of a button. Itz jus my thought. Thx!!
mullai, you seem to be a hit in this blog.. well then can u give me a couple of lunch recipes for my husband to carry. not too dry and not to spicy… please …. thanks sujatha
Hi friends, I am verty happy to join this site. Mullai ur receipes r simply superb.
I tried ur Gobi 65. it came out very my sons like that very much. thanks for ur receipe. Great job u r doing. Keep it up.
hi friends, I am happy to sign into this blog. I am too happy that i am also one of the guest in this site. Thanks for sharing your recipes to all and also once again thanks for signing to this site.
hi friends iam new to this site. i saw few recipies its really excellent. am very happy to sign in to this site .
Hi Mullai, Got a query. Is there a way to do quick search of your recipes alone? Because, after “search” I had to check each recipe, to find whether it is yours or not. Pls. help.
You can see latest 30 posts, when you hit my name which takes to my profile.
Hi Mullai,
Many more happy returns of the day!!!!!!!!!
Hope you enjoy every moment of your SPECIAL DAY and all the days year round…..
Hai Mullai,
Wish you a very Happy Birthday
Have a very great year ahead….
hi mullai….how r u… u r realy doing a very good job my heartly wishes for the way thx for ur kind inf…
Hi mullai,
Hope you are doing fine. I started browsing this site very recently and tried few items. Whenever i try something from the site, my husband says “Mullai Vazhga”… All the dishes that i tried came out very well.
Thanks for helping newly married girls like me to get appreciations from everyone by posting simple dishes with rich taste.
Thanks Mullai…
mullai!in one word simply superb…..
hi mullai, iam new to this site..u r doing such a good job! i tried yr aatukalpaya it came out very nicely it was yummy….thanks
Mullai! sonna namba mateenga! unga recipes ellam try pannuradhukkaga indha 2 weeks sa daily IndiAn grocery stores shopping panniten..My hubby got so surprised and was so happy..and i shared the food with my sister in law too..They were staring at me.hahahha! Finally ungallukku dhan nandri sollanum! u r too down to earth! and a fantastic cook! everybody in this site are very lucky to get u man!
I am new to your site.You did a good job .KEEP IT UP.i am looking for a good food processor for indian cooking.What is your recommendation?
Mullai! neenga rombaaaaaa ippalam. Mullai’s recipe nnu sonnale summa adirudhule..Love u so much mullai
Cool !!! ithu eppadi irukku ?? Thanks dear.
What did you mean by blog content? The picture or the matter?
Hi Mullai,
I am a big fan of ur website. Congrats for all your effort.
u are great.
very good site by pictures for cooking, it is my concern that in nonveg categories there is no category like chicken, mutton or seafood seperate categories, In Non veg category all kind of mixed together, otherwise everything is really great.
Try the tags feauture
this site is must for food lovers.
hi mullai,website is very nice and iam new to this site,which helps a lot to me.thank you so much.
hi mallai,website is very nice and im new to this site,which helps allot to me.thank you so much.
Archives pottirukeenga, superana varaverka koodiya vishayam Mullai, romba helpful-a irukkum ellorukkume.
then, oru chinna request Mullai…ungaloda recipes-a categorize panni irukra maadhiri is it possible to categorize member’s recipes also???? adhu senja it’ll b even more helpful i feel Mullai, just ennoda chinna thought. i donno how to maintain a website and all. so ungalukku idhu maadhiri seiya facilities irundha, seiya mudinja it’d be better for newcomers to search categorically Mullai, tks.
Hi Mullai,
Excellent idea of putting calendar along with archives….Way to go!!!
hi friends, I am vasu..New to ur site…
hi mullai, I am deepa venkat..New to ur site…By the way, where in detroit r u residing ? I am here in auburn hills…
Dear Mullai
You are doing such a great work.Thank you very very much.Few weeks back I wanted to try chettinad chicken curry,so when I typed it in google I found your web site.Since then every evening I use to check your site to prepare tasty dinner.Iam from Sri lanka and Iam sinhalese but my fiance from chennai.So I was struggling to make sambar,rasam for his taste.But now Iam expert in south indian cooking beacouse of you.Every time I make new curries he will ask me is it from Mullai.You became an unseen friend for us.Keep posting tasty recipes.God bless you.
To Mullai, my dear beloved grand-daughter
Congrats, for your excellent service in alleviating the craving for south-indian food of the newly-married sisters and bachelor brothers from India who throng USA as software engineers and on other
jobs. Your website is a great boon to them all, where you have given numerous food items with their method of preparation, the quantity of the various ingredients used, accompained by photographs of the prepared
items. Even those who do not know the ABC of cooking can become good cooks after a few trials. Thanks to you. God bless you, and grant you all the best in life.
With Love,
Mrs. Saraswathi Dorairaj
Excerpts from my Grandma’s letter.
Unga veetila innaiku visheshamaa? Solli irundhaa vandhuripome?Kalakureenga? Nice red color to the recipe and pasi illaadhavangalukkum thoondi vidareenga..
chiken tikka masala super.. enakku ippo naa endha recipe first try panradhu nu doubt.. SIo members adukeete poraanga..Thanks for sharing!
Hey Mullai,
i’ve been reading this website since a while now….
you have some of the most awesome creations cooking in your web kitchen
Thank to you so many of us are enjoying cooking…
Have a nice week ahead..!!!
After marriage only I started cooking NV. Chicken mattum saapiduven.. Will try your your mutton with chicken to make chicken biriyani. Ok Mullai.. Have a nice weekend.
Hi Mullai,
Just came to know abt your website from my friend in Minneapolis.Tried your Masala Chai now and came out so well.Your job is highly appreciated.Cud you post some simple receipes using Tofu.Can we substitute paneer with Tofu ?.
Your recipes are very good. You have good sense of creativity and extraordinary thinking… Your family members are lucky to have you
Thanks Arthi for your kind words.
Then I saw yaradi ni mohini today just realeased, nayan and dhanush.. appaa. vairu kulunga siruchitte irunthen very nice movie, lively.. ok mullai.. Have a nice WE. bye
After your msg, Unga song thiruppi ketka try pannen, but the youtube link says it is no longer available. yes my daughter likes to scroll your home page is she can press the up and down keys and she sees new pics. she thinks that she is acheiving something by herself
HI mullai..pls help me in this regard….where can i find indian stlye chicken i.e not a whole chicken but cleaned whole chicken…i tried Indian stores but that didnt work for me..i go for boneless and Bi-Lo drummetes… not satisfied..And what abt mutton …I can’t find our mutton taste and what should i choose lamb or goat…bcos am not aware of these things…whats the difference???? hw long can i store?? really i cook upto 22 whistles for mutton in pressure cooker…its wierd..suggest some good stores…thanks in advance..
Hi Mullai
Rules and help as clear and informative as ur recipe….Thanx.
hi mam, ur website is simply superb. i tried out few recipes here. i would be happy to know a recipe with lima bean
Thanks for the wishes mam……. sorry for the late response as i just got to log in to SIO….. Take care….
hi Mullai I was just a browser of this wonderful young site..recently i logged in..I do want to share a do i go about it?
Hi Mullai…
samachadhai parimaruriyo illayo adhai modhalla foto eduthukuriyae!!!appadeennu ennoda husband enna kindal panraaru..idhellam unga recipes a paathu inspire aanadhunala thaan.Btw how to upload fotos ,,,pls tell me i tried doing it but was not succesful sorry about that.
I will email you the details.
hai mullai gud mrng………..u r rocking……… hubby z great fan of ur recipes……..daily he used to ask me wot z new n ur site……….gud work keeeep going
Thank you!!
thank u for ur reply……….can u submit that milk alwa recipe ????????
hi mullai,
ur receipe photo’s are wonderful. the way of presentation is very nice.
hi everybody
how r u
since long time i have seen this website
good job! guys
I see lot more recipes
How do I submit my recipe in this site? do I add it as a new forum topic? or how is it done?
Hi Mullai,
I have tried few receipe of yours such as vadai, chettinad chicken and chett. button mushroom and they have turned out well. Yesterday I cooked hotel sambar and it was good. I really appreciate your works and also thank you for sharing your receipe which has helped me to try out new dishes.
Hi Mullai,
I have a suggestion. If there is an option for having a look at the previous day’s comments it will enable us to view some other recipes, too. Thanks…
Check , We added “More…” link below the recent comments section
Hi I should say that this is the best site for people who are learning to cook and especially for people who are married and who are trying to impress their husband and their in-laws…i wud say that this site is the one stop spot to learn..and not only that..watever recipes u try from this site will give u the same taste that u would get wen u have food made by ur mom..Hats off Mullai for ur valuable work..keep going!!! I like all ur recipes especially the oatmeal raisin cookies are awesome and i try that very often and now i am an expert in making them,,me going to India on a vacation…and also in the process of shifting the house at Taiwan as the contract is getting will upload recipes soon..hope those recipes will be up to ur expectation..:)
Hai Mullai,I saw this site it is wonderful. I tried all the recipes it came out well. I bought the cusinart classic Hard Andoized Nonstick set cookware.Is it better product equal to calphalon.Please reply me.I am waiting for ur reply.bye
seems like a good product, check your guestbook.
Hi Mullai,i saw this site when i was searching for paneer recipes.i think this is one of the best cooking site i have seen.the pictures of items and the detailed mentioning of measurements and mouth watering recipes makkes every one to try some thing new.i had pakistani mutton and pudina mutton in hyderabadi hotel can u pls post this recipes if u have an idea? thanks,nazreen.
Dear Mullai, your website is a gift for all the ladies…Great website…Awesome Receipes…Excellent Presentation…Good and friendly relationship with members…Good way of answering…hmmm eppdi solrathu…Nothing could beat this…All your family members are very much lucky to have you especially your husband is very lucky. Nowadays my cooking gets better b’coz of you…Thanks Mullai – With Hugs shan
Hi mullai,
Thanks for the recipes in spice india online. other than recipe why don’t we share about the Kitchen cleanliness tips, cookery tips(if suppose a salt is added too in a food, what preparation we can made to control it), Vessels tips, Micro oven tips Etc., Thanks
Hi mullai,
When ever i try posting a receipe. before i post it i make sure whether i have typed in all the ingredients. but it happens that when i post it i am not able to see that in the website but when i click edit i am able to see it.. sometimes i test my patience alot. i dont know why this happens.
Solla maranthittan… Silly me…. Kalakureenga poonga… I also noticed it very recently may be last week… Superb… Mullai mam kokka? God Bless,
Hey Mullai, I came across your site while searching for gobi manchurian recipe, through Google and I am glad I did. You have a detailed blog with all kinds of recipes and it’s like a database which I can lookup anytime I want to try something new. Thanks and keep up the good work.
Hi Mullai….
Your recipes are very very good,intersting and tasty.
I really enjoying visiting your website and try lot new recipes.
i tried yesterday Hotel Sambar.It was very tasty.My friends are enjoyed it.I used to recommend your site to my friends.
Im Huge fan of your photos.
Dear Mullai,
I like ur website very much itis very useful.i want to know the receipe of fish briyani pls let me know.
thanks. kalpana
Hi Mullai,
I love your web site v much i tried out receipes it turned out well iam fond of cooking, your methods and photos are very good keep it up.
Dear Mullai,
Definitely you and your web site deserves lot of appreciation, as i have notices that you are no only great at cooking, but also the way you spread this art, which is truly amazing. I am happened to your site only today, i went thru ur site for nearly 2hrs , i have found your reciepes are simple by all means, the photos , garnishing are much realistic and moreover the intereaction you usually do with your visitors which is truly commendeble.
Cooking , One of the finest art, will make symphony only with people having lot of passion and interest for it… Mullai, you are really one amoung them.
We must appreciate Mr Madhavan also, coz his one simple neagtive comment in the beginning couldhave turned your site down…
All the very BEST Mullai
Hi Mullai!
I find your website very yummy…Thanks for these mouth watering recipes..
Hi Mullai…
A very nice website where in we find very good recipes..I have tried around 4 of urs till now and everything turned out well..Gaobi Manchurian and Pepper chicken were the best of all..I am a pure vegetarian but still managed to prepare the chicken dish for my hubby..He enjoyed the dish..Keep posting new dishes..
Btw Is cooking ur hobby ?
Thanks for the wonderful recipes.
Really good site.
A site where u get tips,mouth watering recepies to make our family members mad for us.
good work
please post som movies on the forum
Hi Mullai,
I was looking at your recipes and wanted to know about the kadalpasi/kalpasi. I have one big stone looks like a black padigaram! I do not know how to use it. You have mentioned in one of your recipes as use 3 numbers. How do I add? I have one huge stone and what time should I add this while cooking.
Hello Mullai
I just accidently browsed your site searching for something in google I stumbled upon ur site.. simply super great going ….
Dear Mullai
am a new comer to ur site .its simply superb.
i like the way of presentation its clearly explained with pictures and step by step.Being a starter it helped me lot on my kitchen work and it earned me ‘good cook’title at home.Thanks a lot.
I have a question ,can u tell me the ingrediants for preparing garam masala powder?
I would be grateful to u if u reply this question.
Thanks again.
Hi Mullai
Thank you for the Idli recipe and the method for fermenting the Idli dough.
It was really very tasty.
Hai Mullai,
We all who using ur recipe must really want to appreciate u Mullai. Thanks a lot lot lot for these good recipes. And all the best for ur next oncoming recipes for us.
Mullai, It’s an amazing website. You have made the Parotta making exercise very interesting. Keep up the good work. All the very best.
hi Mullai,all ure recipes are very good,nicely displayed with photos and small suggestion.can u put ure recipes monthwise,like in other blogs,so that it will be much easier for people to find out which recipe has been posted recently.this is one difficulty i found in ure site,otherwise its perfect.Thanx
Thanks!! Good suggestion, will create a separate block for recent additions and work on your idea to make it look better.
I am Nalini.This is the best site for recipes.Thank u Mullai.
Nice Site Good Work Well Done .
Vijay .
<< !!! Edited by admin: No ads please Thanks. !!! >>
good work,keep it up
Hi Mullai,
Ur web site is really Super. with the help of ur web site any body can be make best cook at any where
Hi Mullai,
The website spiceindiaonline shows your Interest in cooking.
The pictures shows your Sincerity towards giving the perfect recipe for users.
Hats off to your work!
Thanks Priya.
Hi, can anyone tell me how to post a recipe? its a bit confusing.
Hi Mullai..
Ur Efforts r commendable..
Keep up the good wrk..
This site seems to be extremely good..
will try some of the recepies…
Your website is AWESOME. It would be nice if you add still more recipies with the picture(s).
Its been just 4 months since we started, so might take some more time to have a good collection. I am trying my best.
this site is very nice. i have tried some of these it came very nice. please add some more receipes
What a site!!!
This site makes me hungary…I just love this site.Its very helpful to introduce us a new varities of food!…hope to see some more sites like this and Best of luck for this site
Thank you.
Really this is very Nice website for food lovers
hi tis website is really cool….. i need to learn non – veg n i think tis site s makin it easy……..
Hi Mullai,
Saw ur methu pokoda, can u send me the receipe for vegetable pokado too. Once i have tasted in my friends house was so yummuy even when it was cold. or atleast mashed potato pokoda.
The one which you had must be garam pakoda, will try to post.
Awesome work Mullai….good job !!! Keep it going !!
really wonderful and very useful.. good work
such a nice website u have. nice photographs and recipes, came here for the first time.
thanx SIO 4 the xlnt shrimp gravy
your recipes are great. Its a boon for people like me who cannot cook without a book.
Thanks a ton
Wondeful work. Keep it up. You made me to eat (as well as cook) vegetables. Thanks a lot. Spiceonline site can be said as Easy to cook site. Hats off
This site is really good and waiting for more receipes……
I have tried many receipes and found really tasty.
keep up the good work and looking for more receipes.
Nice presentation of each receipies. Simply superb.
Would like to see more receipies in the future.
thanks thanks a lot
I’ve recently moved to my in laws and I was scratching my head for how to cook as i am not that expert.
Your site is great and very helpful.
I am planning to try some of these and let you know how it came out.
Looks great !
yummy. :))
Please add more recipes. I liked the photos.
Good work.
Hi, this is a different one i suppose!
Today many consider cooking as the most boring task on earth!
But you have taken pains to create a place for detailed cooking Good efforts! really useful for people like me who are beginers.
yeah! Great job Spice India, thanks!
Chicken recipes are too tempting and also recipes with images are explained very nicely
thanks again
Shared some with my wife and really enjoyed
I have tried many receipes and found really tasty.
keep up the good work and looking for more receipes.
I loved your receipes. they are simple and easy to cook. thanks a lot
this site is awesome site. Was searching for Microwave specific recipes but could not get. Can you have a section on this?
i just loved this site….
in future if i ever hav to stay alone this is something i wouldnt forget
hey really tempting re…mummmmmmmmmy am feeling hungry!
Hi Mullai,
Your receipe is sharing is really awesome.Can help even the first cookers to become better cooks.I would like to have Vegetable Kurma Receipe, can you pls post it or send it to me.
Thanks for your time.
Vidhya, thanks for your comments, actually I have the recipe and you would soon see it on the website.
Nice presentation of each receipies. Simply superb. Would like to see more receipies in the future.
Thank you.
I’ve recently moved to Melbourne and I was scratching my head for Deepavali Sweets and snacks, Your site is great and very helpful. I am planning to try some of these and let you know how it came out. Thanks, Bye.
Good luck!! Hema…
love the recipes and the presentation of your site. thanks for sharing them.
Hi …
Loved ur Recipe’s ….
Its a great site with pictures for the recipe …….
Keep up ur good work ……….
Thanks …
Will be waiting for more & more new recipe in this site…………
I loved your receipes..they are simple and easy to cook. thanks a lot
Hi ,
Ur recipies are very tasty, they are all very picturistic. I also want to post some ogf my mom taught tasty recipes online like … gokarakaya curry, masala birakaya, rajma, mushrooms curry, Different style pudina rice etc.
Let me know if you are interested.
Anyone can share recipes as long as they are registered member. Registration is free, login and start posting. Thanks!!!
Its really very good site gr8 work done on the site,can you add some more good non veg recipes…
Just Leaving Traces of our visit
hi,this is an excellent site for Indian cuisine, very well organised and Excellent compilation of receipes.
Great mouthwatering site!!!!
This is really good work! The pictures are very helpful especially if one doesn’t know what certain ingredients looks like !! Keep up the good work !!
Hi Mullai,
Great site. While looking at the recipe feel like doing it immediately. Thankyou very much and post more recipes.Bye.
Hi Mullai,
Saw this site and am tempted to try some of them soon .The pictures and cooking instructions are great …Keep up the good work .
Thanks and wish you good luck.
Kusum D
Thanks for your encouragement.
hai,ths is a real good recipe site…the explanantion is verywell done…i have tried many of ur posted cameout great.keep posting more recipes buddy…we all r waiting to try….thnx a bunch.
hi, recipes are easier to children wanted me to go to this site.My friends too praised.Add
country foods.Idli was quiet interesting and the way presnted was good.
Thanks Kalpana.
Your recepies are simple and easy to prepare.
Good work Thank you
hi this is rosy….rams friend
All ur recepies are easy to make and are great.Even i enjoy cooking and will surely contribute some chat items . :-)any ways great job!:-)
hi the recepies were very good…
can u post many vegetarian recepies please
Tried the Chana masala came out very well. I liked it.
Keep adding more recipes.
hi ur recipes r really good.
Post more recipes.Can u please post recipes for butter chicken,Rasmalai,batura.
Take care:-}
hi!! aish here.. ramyas frnd.. ur site is cool.. lotta recipes.. pics are really nice:-)hey jus like u given the recipe for hotel sambhar do give us the recipe for hotel pongal:-):-)…. hehe
Hi aunt,
Ur website is like a spoon feeding to beginners like me..
Great work…
hai,lot of spicy stuffs yaar!can u put some nice chettinad style crab curry hubby keeps asking and i dont know how to do.u seem to explain things in detail.ttthanks!
hi glossary details are good, please keep adding more to list.
Hi, this is a different one i suppose!Today many consider cooking as the most boring task on earth!
But you have taken pains to create a place for detailed cooking Good efforts! really useful for people like me who are beginers.:-}
the recipies are very good. keep up your good work
the recipies are very nice, continue to put more recipies
Nice one ! is anice and useful site.
Nice site, lot of tamil specials inside, Good work.
One suggestion:-
i was viewing u r site in Mozilla, i guess the page is not compatible with mozilla browser, if u could do that, it will be great:-)
Hi…This is Siddharth, Dilip’s roommate…I think you’re site is a wonderful idea, especially for non-cooks like us…..Anyways, wish you the best of luck, and hope you can share your knowledge in cooking to all those who can benefit from it! Sincere Best wishes from my side…Also, I’m learning quite a bit from this site!
hi where did you get the dosa tawa ?this site is great
hi aunt, this is dilip’s friend. can u get me som recipes of egg curry + gravy for veg dishes:-)
Hi Mullai
how are you
how is your health
nice to see your site; nice to see good work by some one known to us! is it not?
Guess Who? I am running an Indian restuarant.
Thanks, Iam doing fine, but i have no idea who u r.
gud one
Wow!yumm… Please add more recipes. I liked the photos.Good work.
Looks great !